I recently spoke to a wonderful group at The College of Estate Management about the benefits of using social media for business. Along with James Mott of Projectbook I spent the day talking with property professionals and helping them resolve any issues they had...
Having now attended four Be2camp events, three in person and one virtually, I thought it was about time for a blog post. Partly to explain the #be2camp hashtag that fills my twitter stream during the events but mainly to thank those who organise the events. For those...
Having read some fascinating and inspiring blogs to mark Ada Lovelace Day I was inspired to write my own blog post. Ada was the daughter of Lord Byron and wrote the world’s first computer program in the 19th century. Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of...
My name is Claire Thirlwall and I’m a chartered landscape architect. I run Thirlwall Associates, a landscape architecture consultancy based in Oxfordshire.
I work with architects, engineers, planners, project managers and other construction professionals. I also work as a sub-consultant to other landscape architects.